Does Distance Bring about Beauty? A Study of the Spatial Effectiveness of “Physical Isdation” in Intrapreneurship in Large Firms from a Multidimensional Proximity Perspective
Li Hao1,Zheng Zizhuo1,Ji Longteng2
(1.Business School,Gansu University of Political Science and Law, LanZhou 730070, China;2.School of Economic and Management, Xi′an University of Technology, Xi′an 710054,China)
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Li Hao,Zheng Zizhuo,Ji Longteng. Does Distance Bring about Beauty? A Study of the Spatial Effectiveness of “Physical Isdation” in Intrapreneurship in Large Firms from a Multidimensional Proximity Perspective. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PROGRESS AND POLICY, 2024, 41(15): 84-96.
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