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 1 概念模型

Fig.1 Conceptual model




Table 1 Definitions of the variables





4 结语




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Impact of Creative Characteristics of Technical Entrepreneurs

on Enterprise Performance

Wang 1 , Li 2, Zhang 1

(1.Department Organization, City 123456, China;2. Department Organization, City 123456, China)

Abstract: Nowadaysinnovation, the most crucial driving force, and a set of scientific technology solutions, are the urgent demand for economic and social development. The national strategy of "Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation" therefore places more emphasis on the innovation and entrepreneurship of scientific and technological personnel. However, compared with those entrepreneurial groups that have commercialized their own innovations, researchers who have not participated in any phase of commercialization fail to effectively transfer their tacit knowledge. An important reason that affects whether an individual chooses to make an entrepreneurial decision is the performance expectations of the startup business. Besides, the business performance expectations are also important feedback on the success or failure of the entrepreneurial process. The research on the influence of entrepreneurs on enterprise performance is also one of the core issues that current scholars pay attention to. Therefore, the impact of creative characteristics of technical entrepreneurs on enterprise performance will be the sticking point that this article focuses on, that is, how does the creative ability of technical entrepreneurs affect enterprise performance, and whether the influence of entrepreneurs on enterprise performance will be different for enterprises at different stages of development. The existing studies have shown that the technical characteristics of entrepreneurs have an significant influence on enterprise performance, but there is a lack of discussion on the influence mechanism of creativity level of technical entrepreneurs on the performance of entrepreneurial enterprises. Hence, the paper conducts in-depth research on this aspect based on Upper Echelons theorywhich creatively incorporates the background characteristics of entrepreneurs into the research field of organizational performance impact, as well as SCPStructure-Conduct-Performance theory. In addition to the background characteristics of entrepreneurs, the performance of entrepreneurial enterprises may be affected by the inherent characteristics of the enterprises' scale and other related factors.

This paper selects Shenzhen Stock Exchange’s ChiNext listed companies as the initial sample to screen and analyze their founders and enterprise performance. Finally, 345 qualified founders of ChiNext listed companies are obtained. The hypothesis are verified by defining variables and constructing the multiple linear regression model. In order to further verify the hypothesis, the shareholding ratio is used to re-examine the founders to analyze the internal influence mechanism of technical entrepreneurs on the performance of start-ups.

The results show that the level of creativity of technological entrepreneurs measured by the quality and numbers of patents has a significant positive correlation with enterprise performance, and the characteristics of creativity of technological entrepreneurs can positively affect the performance of firms. But for large enterprises, the excessively large size of the enterprise leads to the weakening of the influence of technological entrepreneurs on the enterprise, which also makes the entrepreneur's creativity level less significant to the enterprise performance. As for small and medium-sized ones, the level of creativity of technical entrepreneurs will also have a more significant positive impact as the scale of the enterprise expands, which to a certain extent verifies the inverted "U" relationship between the scale of the enterprise and the technological innovation activities of the company.

This paper integrates Upper Echelons theory, SCP theory, and research results in the field of enterprise performance. It takes entrepreneurs’ creativity characteristics and entrepreneurial enterprise performance as the research objects, enriching the research on the relationship between these two aspects in a particular field. Different from previous literature, this article innovatively introduces the characteristics of creativity to the entrepreneur’s individual unique perspective to do theoretical and empirical analysis, and extends the ideas of the classic SCP theory. The empirical analysis supports the conclusion of the article and strengthens the empirical research foundation of SCP theory. The research results of the article also have instructive significance for the entrepreneurial activities of technical personnel in practice. 

Key Words: Technology Entrepreneurs; Creativity; Enterprise Performance; Enterprise Scale; Technology Entrepreneurship





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发布日期:2024-09-29    浏览: 7151