The Impact of Transboundary Ambidextrous Search on Ambidextrous Innovation Performance:Based on the Integrated Perspective of Knowledge Cooperation Chain and Strategic Flexibility
Dong Yuanyuan,Wei Zepeng
(School of Economics and Management,Harbin University of Science and Technology,Harbin 150080,China)
董媛媛,魏泽鹏. 跨界双元搜索对双元创新绩效的影响——知识合作链与战略柔性整合视角[J]. 科技进步与对策, 2021, 38(22): 124-131.
Dong Yuanyuan,Wei Zepeng. The Impact of Transboundary Ambidextrous Search on Ambidextrous Innovation Performance:Based on the Integrated Perspective of Knowledge Cooperation Chain and Strategic Flexibility. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PROGRESS AND POLICY, 2021, 38(22): 124-131.
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